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Lou Costello

That dog ain't no dentist!

The Dentist’s Office

The Dentist’s Office – The Abbott and Costello Show season one – originally aired December 12, 1952

The Dentist's Office - in the waiting room

The Abbott and Costello Show episode The Dentist’s Office begins with Abbott and Costello doing the You’re 40, She’s 10 routine for the audience. Then it’s off to the dentist, where the lovely Hillary Brooke is the assistant, and Mr. Bacciagalupe (Joe Kirk) is waiting ahead of them. The screams and noises nearly scare off Lou, until Hillary reassures him. The Dentist (Sid Fields in disguise) drags Lou into the office, and begins unwrapping him.

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Lou Costello, the duck, and Sid Fields in Pots and Pans

Pots and Pans

Pots and PansThe Abbott and Costello Show, season 1, episode 9

Lou Costello has a new job, selling aluminum pots and pans — and he plans to cook dinner at Mr. Fields’ apartment with them to demonstrate them.

Bud and Lou con the poor food vendor, Mr. Bacciagalupe
Bud and Lou con the poor food vendor, Mr. Bacciagalupe

Soon afterward, Bud and Lou con the poor food vendor, Mr. Bacciagalupe (Joe Kirk), out of some tomatoes, and start a running gag with throwing tomatoes at Officer Mike  (Gordon Jones)– first by Lou, then Bud, then Officer Mike does it to Mr. Bacciagalupe. At the apartment, Bud has gotten a live duck for the roast dinner, for Lou to “dress” it … only for Bud informing him that the duck has to be killed, and to keep the feathers, since they’re “down” leading into their “down off a duck” routine.

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Lou Costello and Bud Abbott getting soaked in The Buzzing Bee, aka. Busy Bee

The Charity Bazaar

The Charity Bazaar – The Abbott and Costello Show, season 1, episode 10

Bud Abbott and Lou Costello help Hillary Brooke sell tickets to a charity bazaar. While Lou tells Hillary the “sad” story of his life, Sid Fields “initiates” Bud Abbott into the “buzzing bee” club — and Bud decides to play the trick on Lou. spitting the water on Lou. To make Lou’s hurt feelings better, Bud offers to be the “queen bee” — only to secretly have a mouthful of water, and turn the table on him each time Lou circles around him. This turns into an extended, very funny bit, as they start to crack up at the thought, and are having trouble keeping their mouths shut.

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Abbott and Costello meet the Invisible Man - promotional photo

Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man

Synopsis of Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man (1951)

Abbott & Costello Meet The Invisible Man - Lou Costello & Invisible Man in Car

Fresh graduates from detective school, Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, get their first case – recapturing the escaped killer, Tommy Nelson. Nelson, however, the typical “convicted of a crime that he didn’t commit” – and has a scientist friend give him a dose of the Invisible Man formula, giving him a race against time to find the real killer — before the formula drives him mad. But Abbott and Costello are there to help

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Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy - Bud and Lou

Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy

Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955) starring Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Marie Windsor, Richard Deacon

Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy is both a very funny comedy. It’s also a respectful Universal Monsters entry in the Mummy series.  The Mummy is is following the same typical formula. A former high priest Kharis (renamed to Klaris here for no reason) has been cursed to never-ending life for his forbidden love for an Egyptian princess.  In this entry, the Mummy can be controlled by a mystical amulet. Which accidentally falls into the possession of Abbott and Costello.

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Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff (1949) movie poster

Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff

Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer Boris  Karloff  starring Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Boris Karloff

Actually, despite the title of  Abbott and  Costello  Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff, Boris Karloff  isn’t  the killer — €”but, he is quite funny in this movie.   In a nutshell, Lou Costello  plays a bellhop who is falsely accused of murder; His pal  Bud Abbott  tries to help, but only succeeds in getting Lou into more trouble.  

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Ride 'Em Cowboy movie poster - Bud Abbott, Lou Costello

Ride ’em Cowboy [Abbott and Costello]

Abbott and Costello’s  Ride ’em Cowboy  (1942) starring Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Dick Foran, Ella Fitzgerald

Lou Costello and Bud Abbott in Ride 'Em Cowboy

Buy from Bud Abbott and  Lou Costello star as two peanut vendors at a rodeo show. Soon, they get in trouble with their boss and hide out on a railroad train. Which unexpectedly heads west with them still on it. Upon arriving, they get jobs on a dude ranch despite the fact that neither of them knows anything about cowboys, horses, or much else. The scene with Lou Costello attempting to milk a cow is a gem of comedy. Abbott and Costello follow the same formula here as in their previous films, with a romantic subplot and music, provided here by  Ella Fitzgerald.

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