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Hillary Brooke wants a milk shake at the Drug Store

The Drug Store

The Drug StoreAbbott and Costello TV Show – season 1, 1954

Lou Costello and Bud Abbott do the You're 40, she's 10 routine
Lou Costello and Bud Abbott do the You’re 40, she’s 10 routine

The very first episode of The Abbott and Costello Show is The Drug Store. It begins with the classic Jonah and the Whale routine in front of the audience, very well done. Next comes a flurry of Abbott and Costello routines. Walking into their boarding house, Lou is assaulted by a woman. “How dare you remind me of someone I despise?”  And they try to sneak into their room, only to fail. And Lou gets assaulted by the landlord, leading to the “I’d like to see you do that again!” routine.

The Drug Store
That dog ain't no dentist!

The Dentist’s Office

The Dentist’s Office – The Abbott and Costello Show season one – originally aired December 12, 1952

The Dentist's Office - in the waiting room

The Abbott and Costello Show episode The Dentist’s Office begins with Abbott and Costello doing the You’re 40, She’s 10 routine for the audience. Then it’s off to the dentist, where the lovely Hillary Brooke is the assistant, and Mr. Bacciagalupe (Joe Kirk) is waiting ahead of them. The screams and noises nearly scare off Lou, until Hillary reassures him. The Dentist (Sid Fields in disguise) drags Lou into the office, and begins unwrapping him.

The Dentist’s Office
Lou Costello and Bud Abbott getting soaked in The Buzzing Bee, aka. Busy Bee

The Charity Bazaar

The Charity Bazaar – The Abbott and Costello Show, season 1, episode 10

Bud Abbott and Lou Costello help Hillary Brooke sell tickets to a charity bazaar. While Lou tells Hillary the “sad” story of his life, Sid Fields “initiates” Bud Abbott into the “buzzing bee” club — and Bud decides to play the trick on Lou. spitting the water on Lou. To make Lou’s hurt feelings better, Bud offers to be the “queen bee” — only to secretly have a mouthful of water, and turn the table on him each time Lou circles around him. This turns into an extended, very funny bit, as they start to crack up at the thought, and are having trouble keeping their mouths shut.

The Charity Bazaar
Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd - Lou and Bud find the treasure map

Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd

Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd  (1952) starring Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Charles Laughton, Hillary Brooke

In  Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd  two waiters, Oliver “Puddin’ Head” Johnson (Lou Costello) and Rocky Stonebridge (Bud Abbott) are on their way to work at Death’s Head Tavern on the pirate hangout on the island of Tortuga. There they encounter Lady Jane (Fran Warren). She asks them to bring a love note to the singer at the tavern, Bruce Martingale (Bill Shirley).

Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd