Car Pooling [Abbott and Costello]
Abbott and Costello jokes on car pooling – from the Abbott and Costello radio show episode, Bank Robbery Bud Abbott: What are you doing here… Read More »Car Pooling [Abbott and Costello]
Abbott and Costello jokes on car pooling – from the Abbott and Costello radio show episode, Bank Robbery Bud Abbott: What are you doing here… Read More »Car Pooling [Abbott and Costello]
Abbott and Costello horse fodder routine — a classic Abbott and Costello skit, with Lou Costello mistaking “fodder” for “father”; they did the routine numerous times, on the radio, on their TV show, and in their films Hit the Ice and The Noose Hangs High.Read More »Abbott and Costello horse fodder routine
Read More »Abbott and Costello ask, Do big noses run in your family?
Lou Costello: Can you recommend anybody to help me with my taxes?
Bud Abbott: Sure, my brother can help you. He works in the bank.
Lou Costello: Oh, sure, my mother wanted me to ask you what he does in the bank?
Bud Abbott: Teller.
Lou Costello: As soon as you tell me.
Bud Abbott: Teller in the bank.
Lou Costello: Tell’er in the bank? How can I tell ‘er in the bank when you won’t tell me!
Lou Costello: There’s only one problem with our romance; She’s penny wise.
Bud Abbott: Marilyn’s penny wise?Read More »She’s penny wise