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"Television" - The Abbott and Costello Show episode, where Lou winning a TV quiz show puts Mr. Fields in court!

Lou Goes To Jail

Abbott And Costello radio show, originally broadcast October 19, 1944 – Lou Goes To Jail After Lou Costello hits a woman with his car, he goes to court. With Mr. Kitzel as his lawyer, and… Lou Goes To Jail

Back Home Again, aka. Investment Advice - The Abbott and Costello Radio Show

Back Home Again

Back Home Again, aka. Investment Advice – Lou’s earned $75, and Bud wants him to invest it. First, they try to canvass the neighborhood to see what people will want to buy after the war. Bud convinces him to invest it in war bonds, and Lou dreams of the “far future” of 10 years when the bonds mature. With Lou’s son being the beneficiary – what could go wrong?

Back Home Again
At The Circus - Abbott and Costello Radio Show, with Sally Eilers and Alan Hale

At The Circus – Abbott and Costello Radio

At The Circus – Abbott and Costello Radio Show, with Sally Eilers and Alan Hale

At The Circus
Broadcast: 16th March 1944

At the Circus – Abbott & Costello radio show – originally broadcast March 16, 1944. Bud and Lou agree to help out at a charity circus.  Manager Sally Eilers tries to get Costello to use his head as a baseball target, Lou refuses. but agrees to a wrestling match with Abbott. But Alan Haie surprises Lou by taking Bud’s place!

At The Circus – Abbott and Costello Radio
Flee The Flu - The Abbott and Costello Radio Show, with Peter Lorre

Flee the Flu

Flee the Flu – when the flu flies, you must flee! So, Abbott and Costello flee to … Peter Lorre’s health sanitarium?

Flee the Flu