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Higher – Lower routine

Lou auditioning I Dream of Jeannie to Bud while Bud's busy doing something else - in Barber Lou

In the Higher – Lower routine, Bud is giving directions to stagehands moving scenery. But Lou Costello thinks Bud’s talking to him!

The basic setting (and song) varies, but the basic routine is as follows. The Scottish folk song, My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean is used to hilarious effect when Costello auditions for a show by singing it. Behind him, Abbott shouts directions to the stage crew while they set up a backdrop curtain (“Move it to the left”, “Lower”, “Higher”, “Lift up the right leg”, etc.) Oblivious to this, Costello thinks Abbott is directing him and follows his every command, moving to the left, singing higher pitch when Bud calls “higher”, lower pitch, and so forth.

Lifting one leg up? Lou does it. Lift the other? Lou does that too. Move it forward 2 and a half feet? Lou does it — and typically falls off the stage!

Higher – Lower routine is used in:

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