Nylon Stockings with Lucille Ball
The Abbott and Costello Radio show – Nylon Stockings with Lucille Ball. Can Lou get a pair for a date with Connie Haines? What do Lucille Ball and Bugs Bunny have to do with it?
Nylon Stockings with Lucille BallThe Abbott and Costello Radio show – Nylon Stockings with Lucille Ball. Can Lou get a pair for a date with Connie Haines? What do Lucille Ball and Bugs Bunny have to do with it?
Nylon Stockings with Lucille BallHunting Guide with Claire Trevor – from the Abbott and Costello Radio Show. Meat is scarce during World War II, so Bud and Lou go hunting for meat, with guide Claire Trevor
Hunting Guide with Claire TrevorMel Blanc does the voices of Porky Pig, Bugs Bunny, an electric organ and …. Gets hiccups when Lou Costello yells at him! Then, Lou wants to play the romantic lead in Merle’s next picture. The cast then does, “The Brave Knight Cut Off The Dragon’s Tail,” or, “The Dragon Isn’t Waggin’ Anymore.” Costello plays, “Sir Porterhouse,” Abbott plays, “Sir Loin.”
Knights In Shining ArmorBud Abbott, as the manager of Madame La Zonga’s School of Dance, tries to make an easy mark of Lou Costello by persuading him to take lessons. Also, a movie parody of Christopher Columbus.
Madame La ZongaAbbott-Costello Replaces Allen – originally published in Radio Life Magazine, June 2, 1940 – article about Bud and Lou’s 1st venture into their own radio show.
Abbott-Costello Replaces AllenLou Substitutes For Joe DiMaggio – The Abbott and Costello Radio show Lou Substitutes For Joe DiMaggioBroadcast: May 11, 1942Starring: Lou Costello, Bud Abbott, Marilyn Maxwell, Skinnay Ennis, Elvira Allman Synopsis During their opening comedy… Lou Substitutes For Joe DiMaggio
Lion Hunting – The Abbott and Costello Radio Program – Bud and Lou have to go hunting for a lion in the mountains …
Lion HuntingHiring the Andrew Sisters, aka At the Ranch – The Abbott and Costello Radio Program – Lou crashes Ken Niles‘ car, so it’s Hertz U-Drive …
At the RanchLong before their classic television show, the Abbott and Costello Radio Show introduced the nation to the comedy duo. This led to their movie and television careers. But, all by itself, it’s literally a comedy goldmine! The basic premise has Bud and Lou playing their typical characters, as radio stars. Each week, they’re typically trying to put on a radio broadcast. Connie Haynes appears as a southern belle, gifted singer, and Lou’s occasional girlfriend. Ken Niles is the announcer, and Elvia Allman as his wife — who has a running feud with Costello.
Abbott and Costello Radio ShowLou Costello accidentally gets mixed up in a bank robbery. He then has to apprehend the actual villain, Black Pete! Who’s hiding out in Marlene Dietrich’s saloon?
Bank Robbery [Abbott and Costello radio show] with Marlene Dietrich